
Loco Hermanos Branding


Brothers from Louisville, Colorado opened a small town burrito shop with a big taste. This Colorado shop that grew out of a Ricco's Burrito's restaurant serves what may be Louisville's best breakfast burrito, a crowd-pleasing blend of eggs, potatoes and whatever meat the restaurant is serving that day, be it steak, chorizo, bacon or breakfast sausage smothered in a great in-house green chile.

I had the privilege of redesigning this shop in September 2014. The brothers asked for a brand system to begin with while currently building a small menu app for easy ordering without waiting in lines. Currently going through an interior design update, the designs will compliment each other through store front collateral, a website and an updated polished interior experience. 

Primary Logo

Used for store front collateral, signage, digital artwork and designs above 3"x 8".


Secondary Logo

Used for business cards, letterheads, small collateral print and designs below 3" x 8"


Primary Font

Used for logos, signage and digital Heading 1


Secondary Font

Used for secondary headers, Menu and print headlines and Digital headlines 2 and 3


Primary Color Palette

RGB:   50, 50, 50

HEX:   #333333

RGB:   210, 31, 38

HEX:   #d21f26

RGB:   119, 119, 119

HEX:   #777777


Secondary Color Palette

RGB:   238, 162, 32

HEX:   #eea220

RGB:   0, 173, 239

HEX:   #00adef

RGB:   238, 232, 8

HEX:   #eee808

RGB:   26, 155, 72

HEX:   #1a9b48